Monday, December 11, 2006

What I'm looking for

One beautiful feature of having set up this blog is having now justified constantly checking craigslist for apartment listings. First, this is what I'm looking for

-A room in a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment in a brownstone
-(Short) walking distance to the Grove St. PATH
-Under 900$, preferably way under

And hopefully a cool roommate. Is that so much to ask? As it happens, someone put up a post today for exactly what I'm looking for, except that it's probably not in a brownstone. How much should this matter to me? Remember, I am looking for the ideal experience here.

I have "good" postings like this one clocked at about one every four days, with occasional booms and busts. My plans seem to suggest that I'll have the whole summer to find a place (even longer, frankly), which should be enough time to find the ideal apartment.


There's currently a posting on Craigslist for a small, 350sqft, basement apartment on a "brownstone-lined street," directly across from the Grove St. path station. I know this doesn't fit all of your criteria, but, in the event that you are even remotely attracted to this shit, please take my advice and stay the hell away.

Not to sound overly dramatic, but, seriously. I spent the worst three months of my life in that hell hole. It was an experience that nearly drove me to lose my faith in people, dude.

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